

We provide an expert and professional service for all your mediation issues.

Our mediation service is here to help you if you have a problem or dispute with another party that can’t be resolved and the only other options are going to court or finding a third party to act as a mediator. It is usually a dispute requiring some kind of action or compensation rather than any criminal sanction.

The majority of people would prefer to avoid going to court at all costs. The process can be lengthy and expensive, and there are no guarantees that either party would be satisfied with the result.

This is why, in many cases, it is preferable to seek out a mediator, who will approach the case calmly and objectively, with the sole aim of finding the best solution for their client.

Mediation is one of our specialities at Soler Berná Legal and our professional and highly skilled mediators have ample experience in this field.

Within mediation, we can help you with the following:

  • Divorce proceedings
  • Debt collection
  • Disputes with employers
  • Wrongful dismissal
  • Personal injury claims

If you require advice on any mediation issues, then we will do our very best to meet your needs. Please don’t hesitate to contact us via email, telephone, or come in to our office.

If our mediation service is unable to resolve your issue, our civil litigation department is here to help you.

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